Welcome to Year 2014. This is another year of great expectations to everyone aiming for success. It is a wise thing to reflect on the achievements of Year 2013 in order to set realistic goals for Year 2014. Go on and plan on how to reach these goals and you will be a better person all-round. As I will always say, your health is of paramount importance. So remember to plan on how to eat better food to get a better health this year.
There will be temptations
There are so many temptations these days that may make you compromise your decision of eating healthy. However be determined that you will eat more of the healthy stuff.
According a research by BBC on the increase in obesity worldwide, the overweight and obese adults in the developing world have almost quadrupled to around one billion since 1980. Due to this, the report predicts a huge increase in heart attacks, stroke and diabetes.
And there will be repercussions
This signifies that the problem of unhealthy eating is not about not having enough money to eat healthy foods. The answer is vice-versa. In fact the research gathered that the majority of the above increase was seen in developing countries where incomes were rising. It is therefore concluded that ‘People with higher incomes have the ability to choose the kind of foods they want’ – which if care is not taken could lead to obesity in a couple of years.
Your body has been created in a way that it reacts to what you feed it with. At the point you turn a new leaf by doing away with some of those junk foods, having them only as treat, your body will respond to the change and serve you the way it should. Below are some simple tips that will help you be a healthier person this year.
1. Drink lots of water: Water is said to be the best beverage. Don’t overlook the health benefit in drinking enough water that will help your body function adequately. Water Can Help Control Calories. This is a great way of getting into shape this year. Always drink water in-between food and you will become full faster thereby reducing your calorie intake. Water also helps your kidney by providing enough fluid to cleanse the body of toxins. You will notice that when you’re getting enough fluids, urine flows freely, it is light in colour and free of odour. When your body is not getting enough fluids; urine concentration, colour, and odour increase. Water also prevents constipation by helping your bowel function properly. Ensure you take enough fibre too.
Recommended daily intake of water: As you know ’’Too much of a good thing is bad’’. Therefore drinking too much water is dangerous for your health. The European Food Safety Authority recommends that women should drink about 1.6 litres of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 litres of fluid per day. That’s about eight 200ml glasses for a woman and 10 200ml glasses for a man.
2. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables contain pure nutrients in their natural state. They have not been altered whatsoever by processing. Try to eat about 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to keep your immune system strong. In a recent research by PRINTERS FOOD Team, majority of those that participated said they don’t eat enough fruits because fruits are expensive in Lagos. But we also discovered that a well planned budget will definitely help you eat more of these best snacks available. Between N4, 000 – N5, 000 per person in a month will surely do this. I will tell you how – in subsequent editions.
3. Eat more whole-wheat bread: The white commercial bread is one of the most unhealthy foods you can eat. The white flour will make your sugar level to rise. Ensure you eat wheat bread as much as possible to benefit from the nutrients. Don’t eat white bread on a regular basis because they don’t have much nutrients to offer – they are only empty calories. The only commercial wheat bread that I have seen so far in Lagos is from MAMACASS. So help yourself with more of it if you love eating bread.
4. Reduce your intake of sugary drinks: You need to reduce your intake of sugary drinks this year for a healthier you. Weight gain, diabetes, impaired immune system are some of the side effects of consuming too much sugar. Some people cannot really call each day a day without gulping down a bottle of Coke or Pepsi after lunch. According to nutrition experts, drinking large quantities of cola and other sugary soft drinks could lead to muscle problems, an irregular heartbeat, tooth decay and bone weakness or softening of the bone which occur when the potassium levels in the blood drop too low.
5. Swap vegetable oil with olive oil: When I was young, someone told me about this woman popularly known as Iya London that cooks with Olive oil. I wondered because I thought the only reason you should buy an olive oil is to take it to church for anointing service. Now I know better. I made this decision some years back – and the benefits are so much, so I thought I should share this with you. Olive oil contains mono-unsaturated fats which help lower LDL-cholesterol in the blood. Vegetable oils however, translate into trans fats, which leads to heart disease and compromised cholesterol levels. Goya oil is the common one in Nigeria, but be sure you get it from a reliable shop. You could get other good brands from big superstores, however try one first and see the way it is before you continue to buy it.
6. Eat more beans: The only reason why you should not eat beans everyday is because of farting. Beans are an inexpensive source of protein that can be very versatile. They are high in fiber which helps to fill you up so you eat fewer calories; making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. It also helps keep the heart healthy.
Overall, ensure you eat wholesome and well prepared meals and fruit snacks. If you have any question on how you can eat healthy or you are concerned whether your food is healthy or not, do send me a mail via flourishcaterers@yahoo.com or SMS ONLY – 0806-663-3815. Have a healthier you this year 2014!