About Us

What business are we in?

NUMBERS CMYK LIMITED (with its sister company in South Africa – NUMBERS CMYK SIGNAGE & PROJECTS CC) is specially established to offer print investors quality researched-based information that aids print purchase decisions. This is the more reason our mantra is “Influence print purchase decision” while our tag line is “Print Intelligence”.

We pursue this objective through our various print research/ statistics, feasibility studies/ reports, print survey, print management software, print directory, print exchange programme and most importantly print publishing with our flagship – WHERE To Print – West Africa’s first and only research-based authoritative print magazine.


Why WHERE To Print?

WHERE To Print is for those print users who daily ask the question that begins with the word: WHERE? They can be print buyers who desire special effects on their prints; or printers who desire genuine consumables or parts for their press. They can also be manufacturers and/or suppliers who want to expand their market for their quality products/services; or agents who want to know more about the print market before launching a print related product….the list is endless as it can as well be you – who just got interested in printing and desire more answers to pertinent questions like: where do I go from here?

WHERE To Print is an industry magazine, relevant as a tool for today’s print business and circulated within and outside West Africa. As a bi-monthly magazine, WHERE To Print reports print news, trends and issues that are expected to impact every sector of print business plus product reviews and in-depth analysis on innovations that have positively and permanently changed the way we do print business. Editorials

The editorial tone and features content of WHERE To Print are tailored to industry decision makers, what ever the level of influence. We believe any print business is big business no matter the category and strength of its directors. This is because; any print investor is making a risk-influenced decision with an eye to changing at least one life positively.


WHERE To Print is a bi-monthly print magazine that reports print and packaging news, trends and issues that are expected to positively impact every sector of print and packaging business in Nigeria.

As the only industry recognized and licensed printing magazine in Nigeria by Chartered Institute of Professional Printers of Nigeria (CIPPON), WHERE To Print is circulated in and outside the country as well as during print and print related exhibitions.

This is the more reason reputable and value driven advertisers such as Heidelberg, Konica Minolta, Rhine, Komori, KBA, Agfa, Kodak, Top Solutions, Rizavwa, Livingproof Press and Afkar to mention just a few continuously advertise in WHERE To Print magazine to reach their target market – the print buyers and users thereby increasing their market share and patronage of their goods and services.


WHERE To Print is a bi-monthly print magazine that reports print and packaging news, trends and issues that are expected to positively impact every sector of print and packaging business in Nigeria.

As the only industry recognized and licensed printing magazine in Nigeria by Chartered Institute of Professional Printers of Nigeria (CIPPON), WHERE To Print is circulated in and outside the country as well as during print and print related exhibitions.

This is the more reason reputable and value driven advertisers such as Heidelberg, Konica Minolta, Rhine, Komori, KBA, Agfa, Kodak, Top Solutions, Rizavwa, Livingproof Press and Afkar to mention just a few continuously advertise in WHERE To Print magazine to reach their target market – the print buyers and users thereby increasing their market share and patronage of their goods and services.

Benefits of advertising in WHERE To Print magazine

  1. Unique opportunity to project your strong and durable pallets to the target market of high quality printers in West Africa’s biggest print market – Nigeria.
  1. Unique opportunity to project your company’s capability, products and services to your target market.
  1. As the only print magazine registered and licensed by Chartered Institute of Professional Printers of Nigeria (CIPPON), WHERE To Print exclusively circulates to quality targeted printers at CIPPON events anywhere in Nigeria.
  1. Opportunity to showcase your brands, products and services to targeted owners of businesses, Managing Directors and Production comptrollers/ managers of leading print service providers, printers, and print allied users who read WHERE To Print magazine in print and online – www.wheretoprintmagazine.com every edition.
  1. Free online download from our archive online – www.wheretoprintmagazine.com with over 30,000 clicks and still counting per month.
  1. Increase targeted print media publicity to your company as being a socially responsible company to your target market.
  2. Free editorial publicity in West Africa’s first and only research-based authoritative print magazine- WHERE To Print which average 2,000 copies quality print readership with pass-along ratio 4 to 1 in the Nigeria print media alone.


  1. WIDE REACH TARGET MARKET – WHERE To Print is also circulated during print exhibitions in Nigeria and around the world.


  1. To further expand your clients-base from the existing and would-be customers to confirmed loyal clients by informing and reminding them of the high quality and excellent services you offer.



We herewith offer 10% off the normal rate for the below advertisement spaces still available. Below is our highly considerate offers (please note that 10% discount is allowed for series insertions).



100% payment before production. Kindly request for Payment Invoice with Banking Details. (Please check page 7 of WHERE To Print magazine for advert rate)



Artwork can be supplied in the following formats:

EPS (please ensure fonts are converted to paths and all images are embedded CMYK).

TIFF (CMYK, 300dpi)

JPEG (CMYK, 300dpi)

PDF – Please ensure all fonts and all images are embedded CMYK.

BLEEDs – artwork must include a 3mm bleed on all sides (see below sizes as guide). All text and images should be at least a further 5mm from the crop guides. To ensure correct printing, an appropriate white border will be added to all artwork supplied without correct bleeds.

TYPE – All fonts should be embedded (PDF’s) or converted to outlines (EPS, Illustrator).



Full page 216x303mm 210x297mm

Half page 216x154mm 210x148mm

Quarter page 111x154mm 105x148mm

Centre spread 426x303mm 420x297mm



Publisher reserves the right to reject any advert capable of adversely affecting reading public moral and ethical value. It also reserves the right to create and accept novel advert that highlights ingenuity of media usage.

Call our 24/7 line to book your space now! Speak with Joju on +234 803 862 9114, +234 708 621 1555 and +234 901 239 9805.

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