Organizational drivers are the highest level of measure in a business process and are strongly linked to strategic goals of an organization. If the key drivers of an organization are achieved, the organization can be considered to have achieved its overall goal set for that period.
Some of the drivers that make organization effective are:
- Strategy
- Processes
- Balanced culture
- Customer responsiveness
- Leadership
Strategy sets direction, and gives focus to improvement. It must however be deployed throughout the organization to be effective.
Processes need to be mapped and analyzed in a methodical way; projects must be managed; problem symptoms traced to root causes; data must be collected before decisions are taken; trends in customer preferences detached and fed back; improvement activity of any kind reported on and coordinated; improvement action measured. Just about everything should be done to a discipline.
Balanced culture
A balanced culture means effective, creative management of people. Customers are served by people; processes are managed by people. Only people can deliver quality improvement. For them to work well – they must be empowered, given direction, measured, and reviewed and success recognized.
Customer responsiveness
Customer responsiveness keeps the organization focused on customer needs, reactions and changing requirements.
Leadership ensures that everyone is enthused and supported to work on the strategy, improve processes, served customers and active team players.