Permit me to ask you this question: How important is print to you? Before you begin to think of the importance of print as a business to you, wait a minute and re-think. Welcome to this exciting edition that features dedicated COVER STORY on CONTENT, TECHNOLOGY AND PRINT BUSINESS and titled: WHY SHOULD PRINT MEDIA BE PART OF YOUR MEDIA STRATEGY. You will discover that whether it’s news, opinions, interviews or advertising, it is information that provides the direction and structure to our lives. Check out how from pages 24 and 25.
As usual, this edition is packed full of time-tested articles and special features to aid (your) print business success. Turn to page 30 for SMEs MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING ACCORDING TO FEMI; page 32 for PRINTERS’ FOOD; page 40 for PRINT & ENVIRONMENT and series of SPECIAL FEATURES from pages 28 to 29 and page 38 to inspire a new line of positive thinking on your print business success.
Talking of success. The success of the just concluded GULF PRINT & PACK 2013 that was held from the 8th till the 11th of April at the Dubai World Trade Centre for the first time cannot be over emphasised. More than 300 exhibitors networking with 9, 408 key industry visitors from over 93 countries made the only dedicated commercial and package printing exhibition for the Middle East and North Africa region, a huge success for the organiser, exhibitors and visitors alike. WHERE To Print – as the Official Media Partner the show – in this issue characteristically reports the four day event. Flip onto pages 18, 20, 21 and 26 to see exclusives pictorials from the show – also featuring SPECIAL INTERVIEW with 3M.
Need I say more; this is how important print is to all of us, just flip over and enjoy the read!
See you next edition.