We had discussed what are organization effectiveness and their drivers. Let us look at the contributions of organization effectiveness to the company.
Clarification of duties
It clarifies what particular activities an individual has to perform within his given assignment. This enables him to perform his job devotedly and efficiently in fulfillment of his predetermined goals. This avoids any chances of misunderstanding, conflict or confusion that arise between individuals over matters concerned with jurisdiction.
It establishes relationship between different segments of the organization within jobs and positions; between individuals and work groups and the likes; promises smoothness and efficiency in the work environment.
Responsibilities defined
Each person works best with others when he knows for what he is responsible, to whom he is responsible to, and realizes the values of co-operative relationships with others. The responsibilities are well-defined and made known to the persons and with the practicing of delegation, there comes feeling of freedom.
Effective utilization of resources
Organization effectiveness helps in making best use of available human resources and physical resources in an enterprise.
Easy flow of Communication
Organization effectiveness helps enterprises to avoid overlapping and duplication of works hence communication is rendered easily and more efficiently.
Organization effectiveness helps entity to easily adapt to environmental changes in term of taken advantages of the opportunities that exit and eliminate any threat within the business environment that may affect the existence of the business.