In all, I’ve always known that there’s something special about genuine togetherness that’s heartily joyful – it’s eternally rewarding and fulfilling. Grateful for the opportunity to be part of the specially selected print media journalists from around the world to pre-drupa international media conference 2024 – a prelude to the official start of drupa which the industry expects to drive inspiration, innovation, top-class knowledge transfer and intensive networking comes 28 May to 7 June at the prestigious Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre, Düsseldorf Germany.
That is why this 89th edition is primarily devoted to excite our readers as we eagerly await the doors opening of the prestigious Messe Düsseldorf for an invaluable experience to all participants throughout the eleven days of world’s no. 1 event for print and crossmedia solutions.
We characteristically start off with breaking news, special reports and latest trends in our PRINT IMPACT AROUND NIGERIA (from page 10) and PRINT IMPACT AROUND THE WORLD (from page 12) respectively to ensure you keep abreast of happenings recorded in the last two months across our industry in particular and the world of print in general.
Before dwelling more on print in our COVER STORY, flip over consecutively to read two educative SPECIAL FEATURE ARTICLES captured in this bumper edition to improve your managerial insight. First one is by Mike Ferrari – Founder of Ferrari Innovation Solutions culled from drupa blog and titled: RESILIENCY – THE KEY TO MANAGE DISRUPTIONS AND GROWTH (on pages 14 and 15) that motivationally teaches how Brand Owners and Printers can become resilient and quickly adapt to changing market conditions and consumer needs so as not to lose your consumers to someone else’s products. And the second (also culled from drupa blog) captioned: NAVIGATING THE FUTURE OF PACKAGING: A DEEP DIVE INTO SUBSTRATE TECHNOLOGIES (pages 16 and 17) explores latest developments and trends shaping the world of substrates and their impact on the printing and packaging sector.
In the same vein, we start off this edition’s SPECIAL FEATURE INTERVIEW segment from the rear pages 30, 31 and 32 with Pastor Olajide Aderinto – General Manager, Polaris Doxa Printery intentionally set up as a versatile and innovative print business premised on goodwill that expand opportunities. He informs that: “POLARIS DOXA PRINTERY IS WELL EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ANY TYPE OF PRINTING JOB”. Turn to page 30 to read more about the clientele-focused, quality assured, and result-oriented press strategically located in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital – south-west Nigeria.
Other insightful SPECIAL FEATURE INTERVIEWS in this bumper edition are: “MARKETS ARE FOREVER DEVELOPING AND YOU NEED TO KEEP ADAPTING IN LINE WITH THE NEEDS AND REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR CUSTOMERS” according to screen, digital and textile printing guru – Mr. Dov Meyers, Sales Director at CHEMOSOL (PTY) LTD who speaks on new trends in the sector (on pages 20 and 21) and “VENTURING INTO AFRICA PRESENTS SIGNIFICANT OPPORTUNITIES FOR ATEXCO” in the words of Atexco African representative – Mr. Kennedy Jaiyeola who elucidates on Atexco plan for Africa on pages 28 and 29.
These two SPECIAL FEATURE INTERVIEWS were conducted during WHERE To Print live coverage of the just concluded FESPA Global Print Expo 2024, European Sign Expo, Personalisation Experience and the inaugural Sportswear Pro in RAI Amsterdam which attracted a global audience of senior decision-makers prioritising investments for business growth. You can flip to pages 36, 37 and 38 to read the SPECIAL FEATURE POST SHOW ARTICLE of the event captioned: GLOBAL AUDIENCE OF DECISION-MAKERS FIRM UP INVESTMENT PLANS AT FESPA 2024 and let us know your thoughts about the industry?
Without doubt, the print industry has changed a lot in recent years and is continuously evolving towards sustainability and digitalization. This is the more reason tech CEO – Henrik Müller-Hansen in this edition’s COVER STORY calls on stakeholders to rethink (print) production for the benefit of people and the planet as he also reveals how print is more alive than ever in the inspiring Guest Article culled from drupa blog. Open to pages 22, 23 and 24 to read; THE RENAISSANCE OF PRINT and learn how to leverage tech to your business advantage.
Lastly, check out my SPECIAL FEATURE REPORT on the recent pre-drupa media conference which I was privileged to represent WHERE To Print magazine among the over 70 international journalists from across the globe. Succinctly titled: ‘CREATING THE FUTURE TOGETHER!’, kindly flip over to pages 39, 40, 41 and 42 to know what some of the élite exhibitors have in store for their customers and prospects during the much-anticipated show slated for May 28 to June 7, 2024. If you’ve not registered to attend drupa yet; do so now via or get in touch with me on my PEP WhatsApp lines: +234803 862 9114, +234901 239 9805 or call +23350 916 6828 to know what to do for a stress-free, professional and invaluable traveling experience that WHERE To Print PEP Team is known by. You can also send me an email via: to get detailed priceless tips for your successful visa outcome.
Until we connect at drupa, please do continue to do good, always!
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