Successfully executed on the tripod of opportunities aimed at connecting, diversifying and growing wide format digital printing, screen printing, garment decoration and textile printing industries in Sub-Saharan Africa, FESPA Africa/ Africa Print 2016 collocating with Sign Africa and LED Africa exhibitions saw thousands of industry professionals come together to network, view and purchase latest technology, equipment, and software solutions.
Just as a veritable platform to learn from experts and knowledgeable global leaders in the target industries, the shows which took place from the 7th to the 9th of September 2016 at the Gallagher Convention Centre Johannesburg, South Africa also featured an international print conference managed by the Printing Industries Federation of South Africa (PIFSA) dedicated to gaining insights and knowledge into latest market trends – and how these findings impact print and allied businesses with the view of how to navigate our businesses within it.
WHERE To Print exclusively covered the shows and conference sessions and present the news in images…