One of the most significant month in the year is this month – October. This is because one of its days is declared as the International Print Day. This is when we join the GLOBAL print community and help print “Trend The Planet!” This year, the date is Wednesday 19th with the theme: #PrintSmart aimed at relating and sharing education and resources for learning about how FABULOUS print has become in the digital age. #PrintSmart also relates to helping students in Graphic Arts programs learn about the industry, and using the power of the #IPD16 stream to connect with them, help them when they graduate, and help the Graphic Arts programs get some much needed recognition.
We at WHERE To Print will like you to involve your company, customers, families and friends by sharing, and creating more print fans for extra bonus. On Wednesday 19th of October 2016, kindly declare your total LOVE for Print as we invite you to participate in a 24hours of Open Global Knowledge Sharing through Social Media! Join us at
Watch this site for #IPD16 Hot Spot information, join the mailing list for #IPD16 news, and of course connect with us on SOCIAL MEDIA! Our annual International Print Day #PrintChat is held at 4PM ET – do NOT miss that! Please download the logo/s and use in your marketing and sharing for #IPD16. They were designed by Jim Morse
from Allied Printing. How cool!
BACK TO THIS ISSUE. We start this edition loaded with latest information from around the world and Nigeria in our regulars: PRINT IMPACT AROUND THE WORLD (from page 12) and PRINT IMPACT AROUND NIGERIA (from page 14). There are also SPECIAL FEATURES on the happenings in the industry such as WHERE TO PRINT VOX POP (from page 19), THE EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW (from page 22) and post show reviews of industry leading print and allied exhibitions where WHERE To Print magazine exclusively participated and covered for your reading delight. These are PROPAK WEST AFRICA 2016 POST SHOW REPORT (from page 32), FESPA AFRICA/ AFRICA PRINT 2016 POST SHOW REPORT (from page 44), SIGN CHINA 2016 POST SHOW REPORT (from page 47), and NIPEX 2016 POST SHOW REPORT (from page 50).
BACK TO BUSINESS. For the fact that as entrepreneurs who are always serious about growing our business, we tend to forget that focusing on the best current customers should be seen as an on-going opportunity. And from veritable Research, we found out that no more than 20 percent of our customer base, make up more than 50 percent of our sales. That is why in this edition COVER STORY (from page 28) captioned FIVE TYPES OF CUSTOMERS: HOW TO INCREASE LOYAL CUSTOMERS FOR INCREASED SALES, Writer – Mark Hunter explain five types of customers and elaborate on what we should be doing with each of them to grow our business. It’s a MUST READ! Flip over and enjoy the read!
Lastly, we also have one of the most iconic female print practitioners who has defied the odd in separating enough time out from the ever busy nature of print business for a well deserved time out with families and friends to get the other ‘humane and natural’ side of her. Check out who we feature on THE OTHER SIDE OF PRINT as our subject in this edition from page 24.
As I leave you to savour this edition, I will like to use this opportunity to thank you for supporting us over the past 9 months of this year. We as a Team cherish your patronage and continuous positive criticisms.
Until next edition, please remember to keep doing good!