For many of us, 2020 is indeed an unpredictable milestone year. A COVID-19 Year characterised by lockdowns and restrictions aside fears and fatality. As if that was not enough, #ENDSARS and associated protests ended the year that understandably elicited diverse emotions. Surprisingly, 2020 also brought out some of the best in us – which we believe – will drive 2021 moving forward. Accordingly, just go straight and download the latest 70th edition of WHERE To Print magazine which happens to be the last edition for 2020 onto your device via this link: http://wheretoprintmagazine.
Moving forward, lessons learnt in 2020 should be utilised for a better 2021. This is now the time to roll up our sleeves and concretise some of the innovative ideas that have set us apart. Yes, we can do it. Just as our Columnist – Andrew Malson puts it in the COVER STORY on pages 22 and 23:- IF YOU HAVE THE WILL, YOU HAVE THE MEANS; sure, we can! Just flip to page 22 to get your confidence back! But if you’re wondering what the future of print business will be like from 2021; then open to pages 40 and 41 to read the SPECIAL FEATURE ARTICLE culled from written by Knud Wassermann titled: LESS PRINT IS MORE. There, you are sure to discover new trend, business strategy to adopt, and get inspired (even with less print) for a more profitable future.
This last edition for 2020 also highlights what some Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) representatives in Nigeria will be offering their customers from now towards 2021 and beyond. In these SPECIAL FEATURE INTERVIEWS, we spoke with Mr. Ramzi Debs, Executive Director – Skysat Technologies Nigeria Limited who disclosed from page 16 that “SKYSAT WILL DISPLAY KONICA MINOLTA’S STATE-OF-THE-ART LABELLING SOLUTIONS IN OUR NEW SHOWROOM IN LAGOS” and Engr. Charles Falokun, Service Manager – Bancod Komori in Nigeria who promises that; “WE SHALL CONTINUE TO WORK AND DEVELOP BETTER WAYS TO SERVE OUR GROWING CLIENTS, OFFERING QUALITY AND AFFORDABLE SERVICES AT ALL TIME.” Read the full interview from page 18.
We also report series of events that showed that Print is indeed alive though evolving waiting for discerning investors to tap into healthy living, lifestyle and millennial trend markets. Check out post event documentaries of virtual Webinars in Nigeria and South Africa to know more. First is the highly inspiring and engaging print-inclined PROPAK West Africa 2020 webinar where Expert Guest Speakers such as Favour Madu, MD of Favision Sign; Akin Oduwole, MD of Technology Global Services LTD; and Babafemi Oluwalana, MD of Expand Express LTD shared their knowledge and insight on numerous but economically viable OPPORTUNITIES IN PRINT IN THE NEW NORMAL. The corresponding article is titled: INDUSTRY EXPERTS EXPOSE STAKEHOLDERS TO NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN PRINT IN NEW NORMAL. So, get to know these new opportunities from page 14. Also open to page 6 to read how industry-expert panellists shared their insights around latest packaging trends and technologies at the recent PROPAK Cape Connect webinar tagged: ‘OPPORTUNITIES IN PACKAGING IN THE NEW NORMAL’.
Finally, don’t forget to check out from page 10, industry reports from the PRINT IMPACT AROUND NIGERIA page that gives insight to which direction the industry in Nigeria is moving towards and PRINT IMPACT AROUND THE WORLD from page 12 that gives account of happenings around the world of print. Characteristically, this issue’s VOX POP from page 20 got print practitioners talking on (their) 2020 appraisal with high expectations towards 2021 Business Year. We invite you to read answers to WHERE To Print VOX POP Crew question: AS 2020 BUSINESS YEAR ENDS, WHAT IS THE MOST MEMORABLE PART OF THE YEAR TO YOU AND WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATION FOR 2021 BUSINESS YEAR?
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Before I sign off; on behalf of NUMBERS CMYK LTD (publishers of WHERE To Print magazines in Nigeria and Ghana) we sincerely express our gratitude to you for allowing us to be part of your journey in 2020. We know that our partnership in this 2020 Business Year has been fantastic; and we’re sure of a better 2021, together!
Once again, we sincerely appreciate all of you: our readers, advertisers, PEP customers and partners who believe in us and enabled us to be better than what we were. We are indeed grateful to you all as we promise to continually work hard to influence your print purchase decisions in 2021.
So, go on and download the last edition of WHERE To Print in 2020 Business Year unto your device here: http://wheretoprintmagazine.
Best regards & best wishes throughout 2021 and beyond!
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Joju Adekanbi
+234 (0)803 862 9114