In order to afford participants especially visitors first-hand information on daily activities throughout this year’s PROPAK West Africa, WHERE To Print magazine will again publish PROPAK West Africa Daily – the official show daily bulletin.
Just as last year, NUMBERS CMYK LIMITED – publishers of WHERE To Print magazine will produced live at its stand – PROPAK West Africa Daily – that will publish all latest breaking news such as new orders, latest dealership sign-on, product insights and in–depth analysis of technologies at the show.
WHERE To Print Team will capture most relevant and interesting news and features each day, design PROPAK West Africa Daily live at the stand to be distributed exclusively at the entrance and strategic locations throughout the exhibition hall. PROPAK West Africa Daily is a priority pick-up for visitors on arrival, during negotiation or lunch and throughout the day as its will provide unique summary of the most important news as it develops – an invaluable source of information to both target visitors attending the event and those simply interested in the show.
Best regards