Last edition in this column, I asked the question: ‘AFTER DRUPA 2016 – WHAT NEXT?’ The premise of that question was my believe that so many positives would come out of the last drupa till next drupa 2020 opens in Düsseldorf. Even with uncomfortable news from our government with their policies; I still believe in the profitability, growth and sustainability of print and allied businesses. As I welcome you to this issue, I enjoin you to remain focus to the unimaginable investment opportunities in this noble profession by tapping into the very bright future of print business we see daily around us!
This bumper issue is loaded with our regulars: PRINT IMPACT AROUND THE WORLD (from page 12), PRINT IMPACT AROUND NIGERIA (from page 15), SPECIAL FEATURES on the happenings in the industry such as VOX POP (from page 18), DRUPA 2016 OFFICIAL POST FAIR PROFILE (from page 25) and PROPAK WEST AFRICA 2016 PREVIEW (from page 32). And as WHERE To Print considers printing as one of the most engaging professions of all time – navigating the path of print with total devotion does not necessarily equates to not having other passions that balance life (out of print business). That is why we came up with another SPECIAL COLUMN aptly titled THE OTHER SIDE OF PRINT that seeks to decipher a print professional who’s widely considered workaholic without time for him/herself or other members of his/her family to get the other ‘humane and natural’ side of him/her. Check out who we feature as our subject in this maiden edition from page 22.
Lest I forget – the COVER STORY (from page 28) captioned THE ATTRACTIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY OF PRINT AND PAPER aims to promote the attractiveness and sustainability of print from TWOSIDES Survey that provides an insight into how consumers view online communications vis a vis print and paper communication including the environmental impacts of digital versus paper-based communications and how they perceive and use paper in their daily lives. It’s a MUST READ! Flip over and enjoy the read!
As I leave you to savour this edition, I will like to invite you to visit us for a surprise gift at NUMBERS CMYK LTD (WHERE To Print magazine) Stands next month during both FESPA Africa 2016 in Johannesburg, South Africa from the 7th to 9th September 2016 and PROPAK West Africa 2016 in Lagos, Nigeria from 20th to 22nd September 2016.
Until next edition, please remember to keep doing good!