Kodak has announced the addition of Dynamic Print Planning to KODAK PRINERGY Cloud Services, its analytics-enabled cloud platform offering print service providers (PSPs) solutions to minimize cost and risk while driving business growth. Dynamic Print Planning delivers a new set of capabilities for PRINERGY Cloud Services by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to cost effectively manufacture multiple jobs at once while allowing for real time changes as business need dictates.
Dynamic Print Planning is analytics-enabled to provide a robust business intelligence solution that harnesses data into actionable, data-driven decisions. The Dynamic Print Planning capabilities are designed for PRINERGY Cloud Service users who want to increase efficiency through integrated and autonomous workflow optimization. With these new capabilities, PRINERGY Cloud users can prioritize resources and labor when a wide array of diverse project orders comes in, saving time and money while reducing the risk of errors. PSPs can now take on a greater number of orders simultaneously and have them ready to print at a faster rate than ever before, enabling PRINERGY Service users to scale their businesses effectively.
“The industry is moving toward smaller, more frequent print runs which create margin and delivery challenges for PSPs,” said Allan Brown, Vice President and General Manager of Kodak’s Unified Workflow Solutions. “The PRINERGY Cloud Services new Dynamic Print Planning capabilities provide PSPs the ability to quickly and accurately plan, respond to changes and produce a greater number of orders with the same resources. By eliminating potential human errors from the project planning process, this offering can reduce 40% of the labor costs per project, dramatically increase an operation’s agility and help keep businesses competitive.”
PRINERGY Cloud Service Decision Analytics offers PSPs the print industry’s first analytics-enabled workflow, with intuitive dashboards that provide visibility into production costs and system performance by continuously collecting data from operations.