Welcome to year 2014. For us to achieve success in our businesses this year, I will like to share with you the business success tips by top-selling author and billionaire entrepreneur – Sir Richard Branson. As a successful entrepreneur that started from the scratch to build and maintain one of the best Fortune 100 Companies; you will agree with me that he knows what he is talking about.
In an Entrepreneur.com article entitled “Richard Branson on Strategies for Success,” the legend shares these handful valuable tips that we can adopt to realise business breakthroughs and realistic successes this 2014 Business Year:
- CUSTOMER SERVICE AND THE TRICKLE-DOWN EFFECT. Sir Branson explains; “Good customer service begins at the top. If your senior people don’t get it, even the strongest links further done the line can become compromised.”
- THOUGHTFUL BRANDING. Don’t release a logo into the world without carefully considering what it represents. Some create sterile corporate logos that make it nearly impossible for their brand to feel personable and approachable. Sir Branson says; “Whatever you decide your new brand will stands for, deliver on that promise.” And, “If you don’t define what the brand means, your competitors will.”
- COMPASSIONATE LEADERSHIP. Sir Branson suggests that instead of tracking down mistakes, you can begin to search for employee successes. As you strive to praise someone for good performance every day, you will foster an environment of productivity and success rather than one that is laden with the fear of failure.
- DEALING WITH SUCCESS. Once they become successful, many businesses turn their attention to profits and away from what set them apart in the first place. Sir Branson suggests; “If you are mulling over expansion, tell all your employees about your plan…and ask for their input.” It’s important that you remind yourself of what makes your business special.
- DELEGATION. Sir Branson says that it is important to see how well your business functions without you. “When your team is in place and the launch phase is over, take the time to conduct a test to see how well the company performs without your help. This can be a very revealing exercise: It will show you where the problems are and, most important, how well you have learned to delegate.”
As you follow your own course to entrepreneurial success, it’s important that you apply these guiding principles to help you establish a long-lasting practice. In accomplishing your success for 2014 Business Year, it often helps to take advice from those who have achieved what you are dream of achieving.